Supporting documents

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Your online application is not complete without the required supporting documentation. The following documents must, therefore, be uploaded in the Arts et Métiers application system before submission.

General documents required for all applicants, in French or in English:

  • all official up-to-date academic transcripts, at university level, certified by the awarding institution.
  • a list of courses you are currently pursuing and plan to complete before starting your studies at Arts et Métiers
  • ranking certificate, certified by the awarding institution (if available)
  • 2 recommendation letters (for degree-seeking students)
  • copy of highest university degree (if any) or current certificate of enrolment
  • statement of purpose in which you describe your academic interests and reasons for applying
  • one-page resumé (CV) with photo
  • scanned copy of good quality of personal page in passport/ national ID card
  • proof of language proficiency, as requested by the programme’s director

Additional specific document required only for students coming from partner universities:

  • learning agreement signed by you and your home institution, listing the study programme you would like to take at Arts et Métiers

Additional specific documents required only for free-moving applicants to Master’s programmes: 2 letters of recommendation from professors in your home university or other (eg a laboratory you worked at), in scientific or technological fields.

Dernières actualités

En 2022, Arts et Métiers a adopté un plan Développement Durable et Responsabilité Sociétale (DD&RS) 2023-2027.

Actualité, Développement durable

Retrouvez le parcours d'Olivier Fleurette, ancien étudiant Arts et Métiers, qui a participé à la création et à la réalisation des effets pyrotechniques lors des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024 !


Face aux défis environnementaux, économiques et sociétaux de la filière forêt-bois, Arts et Métiers coordonne un projet pour préparer les compétences de demain.

Actualité, Développement durable

En 2025, venez parler orientation en rencontrant personnels et étudiants Arts et Métiers sur des salons étudiants.

Actualité, Formations