Facts and figures

Facts and figures pictures

Arts et Métiers facts and figures.


  • Arts et Métiers was founded in 1780. It has 11 locations throughout France.
  • More than 100 000 Graduate engineers since 1780.
  • Welcomes over 1000 students from more than 170 countries worldwide.
  • 1 100 personnel (400 academic & research personnel, 600 administrative and technical staff).
  • 200 industry consultants;
  • 14 research laboratories and research teams.
  • In house incubator in our Paris campus.
  • The research laboratories generated a turnover of 15 million € in industry contracts in 2017.
  • Has a global community of over 33 000 active alumni.
  • Is a founding member the French plan “Alliance for the Industry of the Future”.


  • 5,864 students, including 3,836 in the Grande École Program
  • 82% of students signed their first contract within 4 months, including 60% before graduating
  • 89% of graduates employed in the private sector in France have permanent contracts (CDI), and 97% hold executive-level positions
  • 690 scientific publications
  • 9 patents filed
  • 20 ongoing European projects
  • 26 sponsors, including 10 new ones
  • 4,000 companies have collaborated with Arts et Métiers
  • 35,000 alumni

2025 Academic Programs

Dernières actualités

Arts et Métiers et l’Institut Mines-Telecom ont inauguré un nouveau projet structurant le 11 décembre 2024 sur le campus de Paris.

Evolutive Learning Factories, Innovation, Recherche

Retrouvez les dates de fermeture pour la saison hivernale des campus et instituts Arts et Métiers !


Le 05 décembre, 10 coachs, chefs d’entreprise, créateurs de startup ou cadres de grandes entreprises soutiennent les 67 étudiants de 1re année du Programme Grande Ecole d'Arts et Métiers et les 42 étudiants en bachelor de

Entrepreneuriat, Innovation

Cinq étudiants ingénieurs dont 4 du campus d'Angers et 1 de Cluny sont partis en mer pour une mission scientifique et humanitaire

Actualité, Développement durable