Laurent Gajny receives the “Young Researcher Award” from the the Society of Biomechanics

Laurent Gajny portrait

Laurent Gajny, Senior Lecturer at the Georges Charpak Institute of Humain Biomechanics is the 2023 winner of the “Young Researcher Award” from the Society of Biomechanics.

This award from the Biomechanics Society recognizes his work on geometric and kinematic modeling of the human body using images. Together with his team at the Institute, Laurent Gajny has developed methods for 3D reconstruction and analysis from medical images (CT, biplane X-rays), as well as a markerless motion analysis system for clinical and ergonomic applications. "I apply mathematics to the field of biomedical engineering, in particular to medical imaging and biomechanics."

The the “Young Researcher Award”, awarded to Laurent Gajny at the 48th Congress of the Biomechanics Society held in Grenoble from October 25 to 27, 2023, is the oldest prize awarded by the Biomechanics Society.


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