Arts et Métiers enters the Shanghai Ranking in 2018

Shanghai Ranking 2018

For the first time in its history, Arts et Métiers is now ranked in the 2018 edition of the Shanghai Ranking.

As a result of the excellent evaluation of the institute and its laboratories by the French High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres), for the first time in its history, Arts et Métiers is now ranked in the 2018 edition of the Shanghai Ranking, particularly in the mechanical engineering field.

Arts et Métiers is ranked 150-200 at the international level, 9th French institute and 5th French Institute for mechanical engineering.

This clearly illustrates the excellence of Arts et Métiers research and education capabilities, in educating tomorrows global engineers thanks to the high level research in the fields linked to the industry of the future.

Dernières actualités

Il y a un an, Erwan Lambert était étudiant en Programme Grande École.

Actualité, Témoignage

Paroles d’Arts et Métiers est de retour avec un nouvel épisode !


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Formations, Témoignage, Entreprise

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