Aix-en-provence campus

Located close the historical heart of Aix-en-Provence, the campus has a strong regional anchor in two strategic industrial sectors: aeronautics and the nuclear and renewable energies. Close relations have been established with leading players, such as Airbus Helicopters and the SAFE competitiveness cluster for the aeronautics industry, and CEA Cadarache, the Capenergie competitiveness cluster for energy.
A centre of excellence in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
The campus enjoys a privileged location at the heart of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, which represents the third largest research potential in France and hosts 11 competitiveness clusters. Its geographical location promotes expanding international exchanges with the Mediterranean Basin: Morocco, Tunisia, Spain and others.
Research activities are based on the institution’s two laboratories: LSIS-INSM (Laboratory of information and systems sciences – Digital engineering of mechanical systems) and MSMP (Laboratory of mechanics, surfaces, materials and processes). They contribute to innovation in several areas: production systems design, digital engineering, tribology and surface treatment and casting. The campus also has a technology platform: Inovsys, dedicated to product and prototype design.
A message from the Director
"The Aix-en-Provence campus has positioned itself as the key partner of several strategic industry sectors. This emphasis on the aeronautics, energy and digital fields irrigates our training courses to provide the necessary skills to businesses. In 2017, at the request of the EDF Group, we intend to launch a Specialised Engineering qualification in electrical systems. Today, the General Engineering training represents half of our activity, while the other curriculums are growing in strength. We want to increase the attractiveness of the campus through a vast infrastructure modernisation project. It provides for the creation of a large collaborative work area for promoting technological innovation and entrepreneurship. " Philippe Collot, Aix-en-Provence Campus Director.
- General Engineering: four fields of expertise in the 3rd year:
- Products and complex systems engineering (IPSYCO)
- Advanced materials and processes for energy and the nuclear industry (MAPE)
- New energies for sustainable development (FINRJ)
- Business engineering for projects and programmes (IAPP), in partnership with the IAE Aix-Marseille
- Specialised Engineer:
- Mechanics (in partnership with ITII-PACA)
- Public Works (in partnership with AFITP PACA)
- Research master's:
- Information and systems sciences, product and production systems design course
- Mastères spécialisés®:
- Nuclear Safety Expert
- Aeronautical industrial/aeronautical maintenance project management
- Renewable energies and their production systems
- Drone Solutions Creator: innovative technologies and uses
- Executive MBA Leading business people and innovation
- Doctorate
Main partners
address and contact
Campus Arts et Métiers d'Aix-en-Provence
2, cours des Arts et Métiers
13617 Aix-en-Provence
2, cours des Arts et Métiers - 13 617 AIX-EN-PROVENCE
Tél. : 33 (0)4 42 93 81 81
Getting to the campus : plan
- Education: Christine Labbe
- Communication : Cécile Pêcheur
- External relations / business relations : Murielle Sauty
- International relations : Giuseppina Nardo
- Student residence : Annie Libereau