Arts et Métiers and Valeo launched this industrial chair in Lille on October 17, 2018. It is dedicated to the study of non-linear vibratory phenomena in the automotive transmissions of the future in order to improve passenger comfort.
After a 3year collaboration between the Arts et Métiers team in Lille and the Valeo team in Amiens (Transmission Systems) as well as the completion of a doctoral thesis, formalized by publications of research articles, patents, technology transfers, and industrialization in progress, the partnership between Arts et Métiers and Valeo took the form of an industrial chair. This five-year chair will undertake thesis work, post-doctoral studies, and training for engineers. It will also organize events for scientific dissemination and exchanges.
The purpose of the Chair is to work on the control of noise and vibrations in the automotive drive trains of the future. Its challenges are to improve existing anti-vibration devices or to propose new strategies disrupting current practices in thermal, hybrid or electric motorization. In particular, the analysis, modeling and physical understanding of non-linear vibration phenomena are at the heart of the activities of this Chair. The aim is to master the non-linearities of current devices, either to reduce them or to take advantage of them, and to design more efficient technical objects.
In this context, four objectives are targeted:
- To create and develop original theoretical knowledge at the highest current level. This includes the analysis, understanding, modeling and mastering of new concepts of antivibration devices, especially non-linear.
- To develop new methods and tools for numerical calculation of vibrating systems and structures for use by design offices, particularly in nonlinear mechanics;
- To apply and transfer this knowledge to industry for the improvement of current industrial products and the creation of new breakthrough technologies;
- To participate in the training of tomorrow's engineers.
Valeo Transmissions, Amiens