Internships, apprenticeships and jobs: businesses have many opportunities to find out about – and assess – the skills of Arts et Métiers students and graduates.
As part of their curriculum, engineering students must complete several periods working in companies. They must do at least two internships; one internship of four weeks during the first year, an optional industrial internship during the second year and one end-of-course internship. The bachelor's degree courses also include periods of work experience.
Offer an internship
More than 2,500 internships are undertaken every year.
The first-year shop floor internship is an opportunity to find out about the industrial world. For a period of four weeks, it aims to enable the student to perform tasks as an operator in the fields of production or industrial services.
During the second year, the optional industrial internship enables students to put their skills to use during an assignment. Taking place in France or abroad, it is scheduled over a period of 13 weeks between mid-June and late September. The purpose of the internship is to put into practice what is learned during the course units: creating a preliminary project, developing a detailed design, controlling material processing, designing an industrial system, controlling an industrial system and assessing human/structure/society interactions.
The end-of-course internship, taking place over six months, demonstrates the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course of study. It leads to a report, an assessment by the internship supervisor at the company and a public oral presentation.
Bachelor's degree training also includes internships, which play a direct role in the enhancement of students' skills: a four-week shop floor internship during the first year, a three-month internship during the second year and accentuated on-the-job immersion in the final year.
To offer an internship, go to our dedicated platform
Apprenticeship contracts
The Specialist Engineering training provides three years of apprenticeship with some time spent at the school and some in a company. The General Engineering includes an apprenticeship curriculum offering 24 places per year.
Recruit an Arts et Métiers engineer: the forum
The forum is the annual event for companies wanting to meet students and young graduates.
About 150 companies, of all sizes and from all industries, participate in the annual forum organised by the Arts et Métiers students. Being put directly in touch with the students makes a major contribution to their recruitment programmes.
Every year, the Arts et Métiers Forum attracts around150 companies and more than 5,000 students and future engineers. This gives recruiters the opportunity to interact with the talented young people from all the school's campuses, who travel for this occasion, and to find out about the added value they can offer employers.
Planned for this event: business conferences and round tables on industrial themes, as well as themed topics (areas for advice, small businesses and foreign companies).
Recruit an Arts et Métiers engineer: posting job offers
Recruiters can also post their job offers on the websites of the two alumni associations:
- the Société des ingénieurs Arts et Métiers, which includes more than 28,000 students and graduates, carries more than 1,000 job offers per month. Members can upload their CV. Recruiters can not only post their job offers online free of charge on the dedicated site but also perform a targeted search in a CV library.
- the Union nationale des anciens apprentis d’Arts et Métiers, which federates apprenticeship training graduates, also has a jobs and careers section. Recruiters can post their job offers online free of charge via the dedicated page on the UNAM website. To access targeted profiles, they can contact the association.