Arts et Métiers and the Laval institute participated at the launch of « La French Fab Tour » in January 2019, an innovative initiative to promote French industry to school children and students.
This was followed by the signature of partnership agreement between Arts et Métiers Angers campus and the « La French Fab » on February 22nd 2019, where the objective is to accompany companies, especially SME’s in the Loire region of France towards Industry of the future.
Through this mutual commitment, « La French Fab », the banner of « industry in France », and the Arts et Métiers Angers campus are committed to developing the "French Fab challenge", an innovative annual event to support companies, especially SMEs , to boost industry in the territories.
The objective of this challenge is for student teams to work on concrete industrial challenges given by participating partner companies. Over one week the teams will work on providing solutions, tutored by Arts et Métiers experienced researchers, culminating on a final presentation in front of companies.
"The French Fab challenge" is a way to accompany SMEs to meet the challenges of the industry of the future. Companies have access to the skills of students and teacher-researchers who propose a variety of solutions. It's a win-win challenge, "specifies Jean Quessada, Director of the campus Arts et Métiers d'Angers and Yann Jaubert, Ambassador Maine-et-Loire of the French FAB and CEO of Alfi technologies.
Accelerator of talent for the industry of the future, Arts et Métiers is the academic reference in France for « La French Fab » and has partnered with France’s Public Investment Bank ( BPI), on the one hand, to develop and promote « La french Fab » in the French regions through Arts et Métiers 8 campuses and 3 research institutes, and on the other hand to provide concrete solutions to SME’s and to help make industry attractive to the young generation.